Publication opportunities

Call for Papers on the ICSLR-15

Special issue of the Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (JOL)

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 March 2025

We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (JOL) will publish a special issue on the ICSLR-15. We cordially invite you to submit papers to this special issue, focusing on salt lake sciences.

All papers will be initially screened by the editorial office and the issue editors and then sent out for peer review under standard journal procedures. Authors interested in submitting their works for publication in this special issue should consult the website ( for more information.

Before you submit your manuscript to the website, please read all applicable documents listed in the ‘Instructions & Forms‘ at the upper-right corner of the submit website (, and be familiar with all the requirements and policies specified by the journal. Please do not forget to select “ISSLR-15” as the manuscript type during your submission to indicate that you are submitting to the “ISSLR-15” special issue.

Important Dates:
Deadline for submission: March 31, 2025
Expected publication date: Oct. 30, 2025

If you have any suggestions or questions about the special issue, please contact the Editor of the Society Prof. Tianlong Deng ( or JOL editorial office or

We look forward to receiving your submission!

Special issue “The Hydrochemistry and Isotope Geochemistry of Alkaline Lakes and Brine Systems

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2023


This Special Issue aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the hydrochemistry and isotope geochemistry of alkaline lakes and brines. It invites original research papers, review articles, and case studies that contribute to our understanding of the unique geochemical processes occurring in these environments and their implications for mineral resource exploration and extraction. The scope of the Special Issue includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:

(1) Hydrogeochemical modelling of alkaline lakes and brine

(2) Isotope tracing of solute sources and cycling in alkaline lakes and brine system

(3) The influence of mineralogy and rock-water interactions on alkaline lake and brine chemistry

(4) The influence of climate change on alkaline lake and brine chemistry

(5) The role of microbial activity in shaping alkaline lake and brine chemistry

(6) Novel analytical techniques for studying alkaline lake and brine hydrochemistry and isotope geochemistry

(7) Geochemical signatures of brine and mineral deposits in alkaline lakes and brine

(8) The use of alkaline lakes and brine as analogs for understanding the behavior of water and solutes in extraterrestrial environments

Special Issue “Global Change Effects on Water Level and Salinity: Causes and Effects

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 January 2022

Special Issue Editors

Prof. Dr. Erik Jeppesen
1. Bioscience, Aarhus University, Silkeborg, Denmark
2. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Prof. Dr. Meryem Beklioğlu
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Dr. Egor Zadereev
Krasnoyarsk Science Center, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

The temperature and precipitation patterns are predicted to change markedly worldwide as a result of global change. The semi-arid and arid climate zone will experience much less net precipitation and runoff, while the north temperate zone is facing overall higher precipitation and runoff. It should also be noted that an increase in water abstraction is expected due to a global increase in demand for food in a growing population. These changes will lead to water level changes and the salinization of inland waters in the dry climate zones, while waters in areas with higher future precipitation or those affected by runoff from melting glaciers may show the reverse pattern. The magnitude of the future changes may have major effects on the functioning and biodiversity of inland aquatic ecosystems. Global warming also leads to rising sea levels and thus coastal seawater intrusions, further accelerated by an expected higher frequency and duration of extreme storms. However, little is known about the effect of changes in water level and salinity and their temporal variation on inland water ecosystems. To gain more insight into this field of research, we invite studies of water level and salinity effects on inland water ecosystems in all climate zones to this Special Issue. Results from experiments, time-series and space-for-time analysis, palaeoecological studies, meta-analyses and modelling are all welcomed.

Special Issue “Ecosystems of Inland Saline Waters

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 January 2022

Special Issue Editors

Dr. Nickolai Shadrin
A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

Dr. Elena Anufriieva
A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Gajardo
Laboratorio de Genética, Acuicultura & Biodiversidad Universidad de Los Lagos Avda, Osorno. Chile

Inland saline waters include different types of water bodies (lake, lagoons, estuaries, rivers, springs, ponds, etc.) and play an important many face role in the Biosphere on different spatial scales. Their total area is very close to total area of freshwaters on the planet. Despite this, they attract much less attention then freshwaters. Currently, it is inadmissible due to some main reasons: 1. growing proccess of salinization of freshwater systems worldwide, 2. increasing demand for their human sustainable multi-purpose use, 3. their significant landscape role, including the conservation of aquatic organisms living in them and the related numerous bird species. This Special Issue aims to decrease lack of knowledge on these unique and diverse water bodies also providing information to environmental managers, polititions, and general public needed to the conservation and sustainable use.

The Issue main topic would be:

  • Diversity and peculiarities of inland saline water bodies;
  • Ecosystems in inland saline waters: structure, functioning, state and dynamics;
  • Salinisation of freshwaters and ecosystem transformations;
  • Long-term changes of ecosystem changes due to climatic variability and antropogenic interventions;
  • Integrated sustainable management of saline water ecosystems and aquaculture development;
  • Public awarness about problems of saline water bodies.