Category Archives: News

High mountain lakes – research where robust trucks and personalities are tested

Saline high mountain lakes received a lot of attention in recent years. We ask Maria Eugenia Farias from Argentina who co-authored a series of publications on this topic to answer several questions about research at high mountain lakes. What is your main motivation to study high mountain lakes? High Andean Mountain lakes are a unique extreme […]

Dry saline lakes of Valle de la Luna in Chile

Salt lakes very often located in remote areas with extreme environmental conditions. Some of them are analogs of environments proxy for an earlier time in Earth’s history or extraterrestrial conditions (e.g. Mars). Russian science journalist Alexei Payevsky visited the saline desert area called Valley of the Moon (Valle de la Luna) in the Atacama Desert […]

11th International Conference on Halophilic Microorganisms

Halophilic microorganisms have been a subject of study for many years due to their interesting diversity, genetics and physiology. Studies of halophilic microorganisms are one of the trending topics in saline lake research. On behalf of the International Organizing Committee it is with great pleasure for me to invite you to the 11th Conference on […]

A Remote Reservoir of Microbial Extremophiles in Central Andean Wetlands

Interesting paper by Argentinian scientists on ecosystems of High-Altitude Andean Lakes. “High-Altitude Andean Lakes” (HAAL) are pristine and have been exposed to little human influence. HAAL proved to be a rich source of microbes showing interesting adaptations to life in extreme settings such as alkalinity, high concentrations of arsenic and dissolved salts, intense dryness, large […]

2015: saline lake research in review

Traditional review of research output on studies of saline lakes and salinity related questions. The Web of Science Core Collection is used as a database. The combined list of papers for topics “salt lakes”, saline lakes” and “salinity and lake” is the research output of the year. More details on the selected best papers are […]

Mono Lake is in the spotlight of the media

Recently saline Mono Lake attracts a lot of attention and posts in different media. The reason is the drought in California that impacts the lake water level. The LA Times reported, “In recent months, the Department of Water and Power has reduced its take from [Lake] Mono’s tributaries by more than two-thirds. Still, the 1-million-year-old lake is […]

Conference at European Parliament Addresses Lake Urmia’s Alarming Deterioration

The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) and the Southern Azerbaijan Alliance convened a conference at the European Parliament, entitled ‘Lake Urmia – Humanitarian and Environmental Disaster in Iran’. Aimed at examining the potentially devastating and far-reaching consequences of the crisis surrounding Lake Urmia, the roundtable event also addressed the possible role the EU could […]

Functional microbiology of soda lakes

Detailed review on functional microbiology of soda lakes was published by Dimitry Sorokin with colleagues. Review summarizes results of studies of main functional groups of the soda lake prokaryotes responsible for carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycling, including oxygenic and anoxygenic phototrophs, aerobic chemolithotrophs, fermenting and respiring anaerobes. The main conclusion from this work is that […]

Saline underground lakes in Antarctica may support subsurface microbial ecosystems

The team of international scientists detected extensive salty groundwater networks in Antarctica using a novel airborne electromagnetic mapping sensor system called SkyTEM. The research provides evidence that the underground lakes and brine-saturated sediments may support subsurface microbial ecosystems. The findings shed new light on ancient climate change on Earth and provide evidence that a similar briny […]