Category Archives: News

Awards from ISSLR to participate at the Halophiles 2019 symposium

International Society for Salt Lake Research announces travel awards and best presentation awards for the participants of the Halophiles 2019 symposium.  The International Conference on Halophilic Microorganisms – Halophiles 2019 will be held in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) during June 24-28, 2019. The aim of Halophiles 2019 meeting is to gather scientists around the world to share […]

Science of salt lakes in 2018

Traditionally, at the end of the year we summarize what was published in peer-reviewed journals on the research topics related to saline lakes. “Salt lake or saline lake” and “salinity and lake” basic searches in Web of Science Core Collection result in almost 800 papers published in 2018. Research areas are dominated by Environmental Sciences Ecology […]

Selected papers from 13 International Conference on Salt Lake Research are published

Special issues on salt lakes with selected papers from the 13th International Conference on Salt Lake Research (Ulan-Ude, Russia, 20–25 August 2017) were published in Journal of Oceanology and Limnology and Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology. Below you can find the content of both issues and download papers. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2018, […]

Field school on microbialites of the Puna

Maria Eugenia Farias and her colleagues from Laboratorio de Investigaciones Microbiologicas de Lagunas Andinas (LIMLA) invites students and professionals interested in microbialites to take part in field school “Microbialites of the Puna: the study and interpretation of organosedimentary facies in the stratigraphic record and modern analogues”. Microbialites are “organosedimentary deposits that have accreted as a […]

Argentina is about to get its largest National Park

Mar Chiquita – South America’s second-largest waterbody, and the world’s fifth-biggest salt lake – harbours most of the planet’s Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus chilensis and nearly half its Andean Flamingo Phoenicoparrus andinus. Mar Chiquita means ‘little sea’. This vast salt lake ranges 70km by 24km. Mar Chiquita is a literal oasis – and its water, marshy […]

Chemical properties of soda lakes and pans

A review of the defining chemical properties of soda lakes and pans was recently published by Emil Boros and Marina Kolpakova. The aim of the study was to evaluate the definition of water chemical type, with particular attention to soda brine characteristics. Authors assessed ionic composition and pH values on a large geographic scale and […]

Saline lake Turkana put on World Heritage Sites endangered list

A UNESCO panel added Lake Turkana, a conservation hotspot in Kenya , to the list of endangered World Heritage Sites. The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s World Heritage Committee expressed concern about the disruptive effect of Ethiopia’s Gibe III dam “on the flow and ecosystem” of Lake Turkana downstream. Located in northwestern Kenya, Lake […]

The venue of the next conference of ISSLR is selected

The board of directors of the ISSLR selected the place for the next triennial conference of the society. The next 14th International Conference of the International Society of Salt Lake Research will be organized at the University of Murcia (Murcia, Spain) in September, 2020. The detailed information about the conference will be announced later. LOCAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE – […]

Marine microbiology course in Eilat

We want to share with our colleagues nice pictures that were made by the students at Hebrew University where The Editor of the International Society for Salt Lake Research professor Aharon Oren just finished his marine microbiology course. Photos and impressions about the course were posted by students via Twitter with the hashtag #MarineMicroEilat2018.

The Salt of Life: a tale of the lake, salt, birds and people

The 2018 edition of the Natura 2000 Award is underway and promises to be every bit as exciting and inspirational as the previous three editions. The salt lake – Atanasovsko Lake in Burgas, Bulgaria and the project Salt of life were selected to compete for the Audience Award with 25 projects from all over Europe. […]