First information letter: 14th International Conference on Salt Lake Research

We are glad to invite you to the next 14th International Conference on Salt Lake Research that will be held during October 19-23, 2020 at the University of Murcia (Murcia, Spain). Please download the first information letter.

Saline lakes and inland saltscapes are common on every continent and are of considerable economic, ecological, and scientific value. Since 1979, an informal international association of salt lake researchers from a variety of disciplines have sponsored a series of triennial conferences to foster scientific exchange and further our understanding of saline lakes. The International Society of Salt Lake Research (ISSLR) was founded in 1994 to establish effective liaison between persons interested in any aspect of inland saline waters, to encourage these interests, and to educate the public in the scientific use, management, and conservation of salt lakes.

These triennial conferences are always held in locations rich in this natural and cultural heritage and, for the first time in over three decades, it will be celebrated again in Europe. The theme of the 14th International Conference on Salt Lake Research is “Inland Salt Lakes, Salt Flats and surrounding habitats”. In addition to the usual high-level scientific work presented in them, this conference will also offer field trips to inland and coastal saltscapes, as well as the opportunity to know the work of other stakeholders (NGOs, consultants, managers) in them.

Important deadlines:

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