Category Archives: News

The deadline for the submission of manuscripts to the special issue of JOL was extended

14th International Conference of the ISSLR was held online in Murcia, Spain, 18-22 October 2021. It is our intention to publish the proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the ISSLR in Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. Please consider publishing your saline lake research in the special volume. It is not necessary that your manuscript repeat […]

The new Board of Directors of the ISSLR was elected

The new Board of Directors of the ISSLR for the next three years (2022-2024) was elected with Egor Zadereev as the President, Mianping Zheng as the Vice-president, Wayne Wurtsbaugh as the Secretary/Treasurer, Tianlong Deng as the Editor, Elena Anufriieva as the young scientists representative and Faith Coleman, Bindy Datson, Zsofia Horvath, Peter Hudson, Katia Hueso […]

14th ICSLR was successfully held online

The 14th International Conference on Salt Lake Research was held online during 18-22 October, being hosted from Murcia, Spain. The conference was organized by the International Society for Salt Lake Research (ISSLR) together with the Institute of Saltscapes and Salt Heritage (IPAISAL), an NGO devoted to the research and dissemination of saltscapes based in Spain. Technical support […]

First information letter of the 14th ICSLR

We are glad to inform about the first Announcement for the 14th ICSLR to be held at Murcia 2021. This conference will be held online, and information will be distributed as it becomes available. The themes this year will be Inland Salt Lakes, Salt Flats and Surrounding habitats. Deadlines: Early bird registration – April 30, […]

Call for papers: special issue “Ecosystems of Inland Saline Waters”

Special Issue “Ecosystems of Inland Saline Waters” A special issue of Water (ISSN 2073-4441). Deadline for manuscript submissions: 1 November 2020. Special Issue Information: Inland saline waters include different types of water bodies (lake, lagoons, estuaries, rivers, springs, ponds, etc.) and play an important many face role in the Biosphere on different spatial scales. Their total […]

14th International Conference on Salt Lake Research is postponed because of COVID-19 pandemic

Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak in Spain and the global expansion of the virus the Organizing Committee of the 14th International Conference on Salt Lake Research and the Board of Directors of the International Society for Salt Lake Research has decided to postpone the conference for the one year. The new date of the Conference will […]

Winners of the ISSLR Young scientists award are announced

Board Members of the International Society for Salt Lake Research reviewed the research papers published in 2017-2019 and submitted for the triennial international competition, open to all graduate students and early-career scientists. The winners were selected based on scientific/technical quality, methodological approach and its novelty and quality and relevance and potential scientific impact of work carried […]

First information letter: 14th International Conference on Salt Lake Research

We are glad to invite you to the next 14th International Conference on Salt Lake Research that will be held during October 19-23, 2020 at the University of Murcia (Murcia, Spain). Please download the first information letter. Saline lakes and inland saltscapes are common on every continent and are of considerable economic, ecological, and scientific value. […]

Winners of the ISSLR awards at the Halophiles 2019 symposium

Winners of best oral and poster presentations awards and travel grants from the International Society for Salt Lake Research for participants of the Halophiles 2019 symposium were selected.  The International Conference on Halophilic Microorganisms – Halophiles 2019 was held in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) during June 24-28, 2019. Halophiles meetings traditionally gather scientists to share their enthusiasm […]